January 2025
Kimonos: A Window of Cultures Undergoing Change
“Night of the Soul”
The kimono represents a window of a culture undergoing fundamental changes, inclusion, and individualization. I began the creation of these mixed-media collage Kimono pieces during the Winter Solstice, a time of deep inner reflection, or a “Night of the Soul.” The Winter Solstice is when one reaches into the darkness to travel to an Epiphany or enlightenment. Our world culture has gone through a similar kind of epiphany through darkness, leading to cultural changes that will soon render today’s world unrecognizable.

Evolution of the Kimono as Inclusive and Individualistic
The Kimono format of my art pieces is inspired by the form and evolution of the kimono that arose during the Edo era in Japan, spanning the period between 1603 and 1868, also serving as a window into a culture just before fundamental change. This cloak was called a kosode, a visibly unifying cultural marker in Japanese society between 1603 and 1868.

Every Japanese person wore a kimono during this time, regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic position. On those rare occasions when a Japanese person came into contact with people from other places, one visible distinction was that those of other cultures did not wear the kimono.

The kimono represents inclusion as well as individualization. Everyone wore the kimono in the Endo Culture, yet every person’s kimono was an individual design, expressing the individual’s own personal and family aspects

Narratives of the Challenges of Aging
As I began working with these kimono images, I found my textures, paintings, and drawings that emerged often served as narratives of the challenges and wisdom found through aging. As a female almost 70, I notice the realizations occurring with individuals coping with our culture’s preoccupation with revering youth and beauty above all else. Women especially feel a constriction under the pressures inherent in these cultural biases.

Discover Your Fortitude Through the Aging Process
These kimonos reflect an attitude of embracing and acceptance of the changes that emerge as one gains wisdom in the years through the aging process. The textures and colors imply a reference to the unsmooth surfaces and forms as they appear. Images of caverns reflect an inner change and growing awareness. The images referring to a kind of outer space context present a growth in cosmic awareness that occurs through the trials, challenges, and fortitude discovered through the aging process.

And now I invite you to share your own personal experiences with aging. What has surprised you the most about your aging experience? What is a benefit you have discovered about the aging process? What are some of the biggest changes and challenges you have experienced about aging so far?
Please add to the comments below. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Spring 2024
2024 Art Exhibition at Jasper Art Center Indiana

Art Exhibition At Art Center in Jasper, Indiana
Welcome to our art exhibit at the Jasper Art Center in Indiana. Sculptor Brandon Smith and Mixed-Media artist Jan Kirstein Rigor are showing recent work in this exhibition.

Brandon and I share a vision involving the interplay of light, color, texture, shape, and form, all presented in abstract form for viewing. I just wanted to share pictures of our opening, talk, and work in this extraordinary space. Thanks so much to Brandon Smith for exhibiting with me. What an honor! I just want to load all his pieces into my car at the end of our exhibition and take them home with me! I love every one of them. We didn’t know one another before the exhibition, so the work of one another is a complete surprise and astoundingly compatible in this elegant space.

Sculptor Brandon Smith and Painter Jan Kirstein Rigor gave a Gallery Talk for the opening on Feb. 1.

This is one of my Kimono pieces created with paint on the fabric along with glitter and paint sticks. I find the Kimono a relevant article of clothing relevant to today’s world due to the Japanese kimono’s ability to provide a decorative cover for each and everyone in their society, no matter the social class, as well as embrace the individuality of every wearer. The sculpture is by Brandon Smith. Painting on paper on the far right is mine.

This is another Kimono piece by me. This is also painted on poly fiber and is meant to hang either away from the wall or next to the wall.
Summer 2024
Thanks to Artbox for the chance to exhibit "Run Away With Me," a mixed media collage created this year at
the J.B. Speed Art Museum collage workshop located in Louisville, Ky.
I received an invitation from the Asian Biennial in Bangladesh to exhibit my art work in their 2025 exhibition. I have never exhibited in Bangladesh before. Here are a few photos of my exhibit idea:
The central focus of my Exhibit would be a large shower curtain with one of my mixed-media drawings of a home drawn in the manner of a child's memory. Home is a state of mind and the action in the drawing moves in and out of the home and its entire placement. "Displaced Home" could be a psychological state similar to disassociation from self. Home becomes a symbol of the relationship of self. Displacement can be a feeling of not belonging, even when physically present in a space. The idea that someone can experience displacement without being physically displaced resonates deeply with the experiences of many individuals who have faced exclusion, marginalization, or discrimination. It could be due to their identity, beliefs, culture, or simply being different. The shower curtain concept resonates perfectly with the idea that memories of home are fragile, temporary, and susceptible to change. The fact that the shower curtain is often associated with privacy, intimacy, and daily routines adds another layer of depth to the artwork on a shower curtain in a refugee's foreign bathroom setting and provides a powerful commentary on the displacement experience. The absurdity, nostalgia, and grief are all apparent through this juxtaposition.
Other images included are:
"Memories of a Lost Childhood."
"Run Away With Me" fresh from the Swiss Art Expo.
Congratulations to Patricia Hawkins of Louisville, Ky.,
the winner of this painting by Jan Kirstein Rigor for joining my website!
Add your name to my email list above to win this original painting
by Jan Kirstein Rigor. There will be one lucky winner!
If you are the winner, you will be contacted through your email.
Mat and frame not included. The winner pays shipping. The deadline for getting
your email entered is July 7 (my birthday!) 2024. I will announce the winner in the
following week!
This mixed-media collage explodes with the Summer sensations
of walking in a grassy meadow before a light rain. An atmosphere
of transparent greens and copper unfolds under a rushing silver
brushstroke. Charcoal markings unfurl across the surface's
expressive surface. Weather changes occur suddenly in this
painted collage's light-filled climate on a frame board surface
measuring 12 inches by 16 inches. Materials used include acrylic
paint, charcoal, pastel, graphite, watercolor, and a pinch of
light-refracting particles. This original painting was created by
Jan Kirstein Rigor in 2024.
The Month of July 2024
For July, these works will be exhibited in Spain, Greece, Berlin, and Germany, respectively. Though I sell work in Louisville, KY. where I live, I do not currently have a gallery here in Louisville.
The galleries for my July Exhibits are located here:
The above two pieces are in the Annie Gallery in Athens, Greece.
Farantaton 17, Athens 115 27, Greece
This piece of nano art is at the CASA DEL ARTE PALMA
Costa d'en Brossa 4, 07001 Palma, Spain
For August, I am Looking forward to being in this year's Swiss Expo in Switzerland in August 2024 where I'll be showing the collage pictured here Aug. 21-25, 2024.
Any questions or comments? Please let me hear from you!